Staff Testimonial 8
"Staff truly cares for the clients and goes the extra mile to make sure they live their best life. They always makes sure that their medical and physical needs are met. Whether it’s by providing a clean and safe environment, planning fun activities and events, or making others feel seen and heard, they makes an incredible difference in the lives of others."
Staff Testimonial 7
“What you do is noticed by so many. I don’t know how you do all you do. I know it’s exhausting too do all you do, and on top of it take care of your family, but just know that we all look up to you, and that you are not just changing our clients lives, but you are changing all of ours as well, and are an inspiration to all of us. I just felt that you needed to hear this. Thank you so much for changing my life, and giving me this opportunity.”
Staff Testimonial 6
“I love what we do here! Having worked in residential programs for quite a long time - I have seen the institutional practices in the field - what you are building here is going to change the way residential programs are ran. Being a part of setting the new bar and seeing the positive impact on the lives of the individuals we support is one of the greatest honors I have been given.”
Staff Testimonial 5
“I've seen a ton of adult foster homes and group homes in my career. It's very easy to tell which are in it just for the money. Rise & Shine isn't. It's beyond clear that staff has a deeper motivation. A motivation that comes from within. They truly care about the clients and spare no expense to provide a safe, clean, and comfortable environment for them. The entire staff are a true gift to our community.”
Staff Testimonial
“This is a fantastic place to work! The owner and the staff really care. The company promotes individual growth and self-expression in the clients. The company goes out of it's way to find new and creative ways to uplift and inspire the clients. The pay is very good and the work atmosphere is generous. I worked in caregiving for over 15 years, and while there were many competent agencies, this one goes above and beyond in providing for the clients, staff, and work atmosphere.”
Staff Testimonial 1
“When I began working at Rise and Shine I was brand new to caregiving. I had never worked a job in healthcare. Now only a year later I am a program manager. I have learned so much. Not only about caregiving but also how to be the best person I can be. This company cares so much about each and every resident that we support. Rise and Shine goes above and beyond to ensure residents are not only healthy but happy as well. I am brought joy day by day working here. I hope to continue to grow with this company and to be able to help others see how amazing this field of work and this company truly are.”
Staff Testimonial 3
“This company is nonjudgmental compared to other companies. Other companies I’ve worked at, if I tell them I have Epilepsy, they’ll automatically want to lay me off. This company will still be here for you. This company also wants to know the real you which helps you feel like family. Please come join our team.”
Staff Testimonial 2
“I get to work and spend time with the most amazing people, who are inspired and inspiring, funny, charming, creative, and filled with an infectious love for life. Rise and Shine feels more like a vacation than a job.”